vitruta Sustainability Program

It is always up to us to make choices that will harm nature less. Every step we take has an impact on the environment and living things. At vitruta, we recognize this impact and want to do what we can, fairly and ethically, to keep our environmental footprint as small as possible.

We think fashion can be handled differently and still remain impressive and fun. It will not be easy to do this, and we know that sometimes we will have to say "no" to things we want to say "yes" to. In this context, we constantly improve our services with our financial-social hybrid approach, adhering to the sustainable development goals we have determined.

Our aim is to guide conscious consumers in a transparent manner, to be a supporter and implementer of sustainable fashion, and to offer you the opportunity to get to know more nature and creature-friendly brands. You can be stylish with conscious choices without compromising your values.

Our Priorities

We design all our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) processes from scratch.

We reduce our environmental footprint and increase our social footprint.

Instead of continuing our business with only financial concerns, we constantly measure and improve our impact by focusing on the environment and people and adopting a financial-social hybrid approach .

By adopting the culture of Creating Shared Value , we aim to maximize the impact of our strategies by acting together with our customers, suppliers, employees, management and all our stakeholders.

We inform our stakeholders as we implement all our activities in the light of the principles of accountability and transparency .

We are developing our work in line with our Focus Sustainable Development Goals and Annual Sustainability Goals .

So What Are We Doing For Sustainability?

  • Each Sustainable Product = 1 Seed Ball

    Every sustainable product purchased from vitruta now turns into a tree in nature.

    Within the framework of our cooperation with Ecording; On behalf of all our customers who purchase our sustainable products, scan the QR codes and choose their seeds, we plant seeds with ecoDrone in hard-to-reach areas that need to be afforested.

    Click to Watch the Video!

  • Transparent and Comprehensive Sustainability Assessment

    We created a transparent sustainability survey to obtain the most accurate information about the sustainability activities of our brands. We attach importance to sending this survey, prepared by our expert consultants, to our suppliers and objectively evaluating the answers we receive. In this way, we evaluate our brands according to Sustainable Brand Criteria, taking into account their relationships with production chains. As a result of our evaluations, we highlight the brands that receive good qualification scores by giving them a special label on our site.

  • Recyclable Packaging

    We aim to reuse our vitruta boxes for purposes such as organizer, archive and album. We aim to have our boxes and all packaging elements (tissue paper, thank you cards, note cards, etc.) free of cellophane and 100% recyclable by the end of 2022 .

    We reuse all our boxes and parcels that are in usable condition; When it becomes unusable, we recycle it. We plan to ensure that all bags given to our customers in our stores will be raw cloth bags that can be used repeatedly by the end of 2023.

  • Renewable Energy and LED Use

    As of 2021, we have switched to 100% renewable electrical energy in all our offices, stores and warehouses, and we are reducing our energy footprint to zero by supporting renewable electrical energy sources in the international I-REC standard. In this way, our first sustainability-focused certificate we obtained thanks to the vitruta Sustainability Program was the International Renewable Energy Certificate(I-REC).

  • 35% Of The Products In Our Stores Are Sustainable

    At the start of the vitruta Sustainability Program (June 2021), 23% of the products in our stores had the sustainable product label. We increased this rate to 40% in a year and a half by the end of 2022and we are trying to increase it every day. We give and highlight sustainable product labels in our physical and online stores to products where more than 50% of the materials in the product content are obtained from sustainable sources.

  • Plastic-Free Packaging

    As our existing materials run out, we improve our new productions with ecological solutions. In this context, we have stopped using plastic materials such as damage-preventing bubble wrap and air packaging pillows in the shipping of fragile products that require sensitive packaging and switched to FSC certified sustainable protective materials.

    We continue to search for alternative solutions to plastic shipping bags for the most reliable shipping process without damaging the products and gift boxes.